
| 800-998-7498 Ext: 2700 |

Milady helps salo/spa owners and technicians by putting the systems in place to establish not just a viable business, but a profitable one.

Why we're different: We provide lifelong learning solutions during every stage of an individual's career, including their time as a student to the time they become a licensed technician or potentially a salon/spa owner. We understand ALL of our customers and their specific needs to be successful in this industry, as well as how each stage plays a huge role in the overall success that an individual will have.

How we work: We tailor our resources to fit the specific needs of an individual looking for education and training. Our customers can receive training via our print offerings, robust online courses; in-house trainings, routine seminars or via one-on-one consulting. An investment can be as little as $30 for an online continuing education course or a salon owner can make a larger investment by securing a personal coach for a period of nine months where every facet of the business is examined by a Milady coach and the business owner themselves.

Catch us at: IBS New York, ABS Chicago in March and Premiere Orlando in June 2011. Milady offers training classes at many national beauty and skin shows. Come meet a Milady trainer at one of these shows and learn what to implement into your business to increase profits and keep clients coming back.

Our advice: "Always track, track, track- you can't measure success without tracking."

2011 wisdom: "Take care of you, and you will be more able to take care of business!"

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