We cover quite a bit of color ground in this interview. Sonya and Christopher talk about working with the new Koleston Perfect Pure shades and offer their ideas for keeping color sales strong when clients have a tendency to stretch appointments. And, since I caught them on stage while we were all in Chicago for America's Beauty Show, I asked them to recap the 2010 Wella Trend Vision collection and describe their interpretations on MIdnight Stage, Nature's Goddess, Nomad Culture, and Techno Poetry.

So you can follow along visually as Sonya and Christopher describe these trends, I've included images from the 2010 Wella Trend Vision collection, as well as images taken from the Doves' stage presentation:

Inspiration from the DovesLISTEN TO THIS INTERVIEW!
Sonya and Christopher Dove, the owners of the Doves Studio in Santa Monica and the creative directors for the North American division of Wella, are the dynamic duo of color and style. They stop by to talk about Wella's 2010 Trend Vision collection, as well as the new Koleston Perfect Pure shades.

 Midnight Stage from the Wella Trend Vision 2010 collection.

 One of the Doves' Midnight Stage models from their show in Chicago.

 Nature's Goddess from the 2010 Wella Trend Vision collection.

 The Doves' interpretation of Nature's Goddess.

 Another shot of Nature's Goddess.

 Nomad Culture from the 2010 Wella Trend Vision collection.

 Christopher Dove with his stage interpretation of Nomad Culture.

 Sonya Dove with her interpretation of Nomad Culture.

 Techno Poetry from the 2010 Wella Trend Vision collection.

 Sonya Dove and her version of Techno Poetry.


Stacey Soble has been involved in the conversation of salon business for 14 years-as a reporter, a consultant and as the editor in chief of SALON TODAY.

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Stacey Soble

Stacey Soble

Editor in Chief, Salon Today

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