Use social media after salon shows

It's show season in the professional beauty industry. Whether you just traveled to Chicago to attend America's Beauty Show, are ready to learn about social networking at ISBN's conference next month, or are taking in a regional class on updos to get ready for prom and wedding season, it's time to do something to get re-energized with new skills and a new approach to your business.

Use social media after salon shows
Jayne Morehouse is president of Morehouse Communications, Inc., a full-service brand communications and creative agency.

As a double bonus, every time you attend a show or a staff member takes a class, you have a ready-made opportunity to share the good news with your clients and those in your professional and personal networks. Take along your notebook, FlipVideo and camera, and you'll be ready to share what was learned in an article, salon newsletter and blog. You'll also have enough information to discuss it with your staff at the salon and on your social media sites.

Each outlet requires a slightly different approach depending on your audience. For example, for clients, your message might focus on the new services and benefits you can offer them as a result of the education. For your staff in the salon, it's a great opportunity to share the wealth of what was learned so the whole salon benefits-then ask them to do the same when they have something to share. And to your professional network on Facebook, MySpace, etc., it's always a fun and educational exercise to post what was learned, complete with photos or videos, and then ask for their input on the topic. Invite other beauty pros to share if they've taken similar classes or attended similar shows. What do they recommend you attend next to further your learning experience?

Finally, remember to post any diplomas or certificates right away to encourage clients to ask questions and to send the message that everyone on your team is continuously working to increase your value to them.

As an added bonus, thinking out your communications strategy will also force you to focus on the key ideas that were brought home and specifically how you'll put them to practical use.

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