Clockwise: The Minardi mirror light, task light and ambient light.
Clockwise: The Minardi mirror light, task light and ambient light.

The Right Light


For years, Beth and Carmine Minardi preached about the importance of the right lighting for successful hair coloring and design work. Now the internationally recognized educators and owners of New York's Minardi Salon partnered with Eco-Lite Products to explain the situation.


The new Minardi Perfect Lighting System uses three fixtures to create full-spectrum lighting that is perfectly balanced and harmoniously blends the warm and cool tones of natural daylight. This eco-friendly system also saves the salon money on electric bills, produces far less heat and reduces how often light bulbs need to be changed.


"This system can show off colorists' talent in a whole new light, while reducing re-dos and adjustments, helping make clients happy," says Beth Minardi.


The system includes three different lighting fixtures: The ambient light is the workhorse of the salon that spreads an even canopy of bright light. Task lighting focuses directly on the client's head, allowing for proper evaluation and color processing. The mirror light adds warmth to the room, eliminating circles under the eyes and adding a warm and healthy glow to clients' complexions.


For a free salon analysis or for more information, call 800-345-9652 or e-mail


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