402-362-6636 or 800-975-4829
OWNERS: Larry Kopsa, CPA; Candy Otte, CPA; Stacey Stark, CPA

Kopsa Otte CPAs and Advisors 2012

Kopsa Otte CPAs and Advisors are trusted advisors in all aspects of salon business, including accounting, commission structures, benchmarks, budgeting, selling and buying a business and tax planning. We do not charge by the hour as most firms do, our clients have a service we call ‘unlimited access.’ Which means clients or anyone they designate can call us with questions and there are no additional fees.

WHY WE’RE DIFFERENT: We are not the ‘accountant next door’; we are advisors, planners, and specialists. Working in this niche for more than 30 years has given our firm a unique insight into this industry, helping us help our clients become more profitable. We work with cosmetology schools, salons & spas and distributorships.

HOW WE WORK: We start with our “second opinion”—this is a way for us to show a potential client what we can do for them. We spend time straightening out their accounting, reviewing the tax returns and comparing their numbers to industry averages and benchmarks. Then, we meet with the potential client and go through our analysis.

CATCH US AT: Check out Larry’s speaking calendar on our blog at kopsaottesalon.blogspot.com.

OUR ADVICE: Work ON your business not just IN your business.

PROFIT TIP: What you can measure, you can manage. Look at your trends weekly, stick to your budget, and use our financial statements to make smart business decisions.

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