The Business of Hair Color: Under Promise, Over DeliverOne of the most important rules of being a great colorist is being honest with a client and setting realistic expectations before the service.

“For example, if she has bad skin and comes in asking for black hair, tell her that shade isn’t best for her personal palette of skin and eye color unless she wants the color to look obvious and she intends on wearing lots of makeup every day,” says Color Guru Beth Minardi. “Or, if she comes needing corrective color, tell her you’re starting a color transition and you can put her on the road to transition at about 88 percent today if she allows you to do what you need to do today and she takes the right products home.”

“Always under promise and over deliver,” stresses Minardi. “And, before you do anything, make sure she understands and you obtain her permission.”

The Business of Hair Color: Under Promise, Over DeliverWatch and learn as haircolor icon Beth Minardi reveals three new applications designed to deliver gorgeous, fashionable color that will keep your clients coming back for more. Plus, every technique features Beth Minardi Signature shades, providing the exact color formulas you need to elevate your reputation as a star colorist. Order the DVD today at

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